Table lists all publications cited on this website that V Ridoux has authored.
author = {Kiszka, J., Simon-Bouhet, B., Martinez, L., Pusineri, C., Richard, P., Ridoux, V.},
journal = {Marine Ecology Progress Series},
pages = {273--288},
title = {Ecological niche segregation within a community of sympatric dolphins around a tropical island},
volume = {433},
year = {2011}
author = {Hassani, S., Antoine, L. and Ridoux, V.},
journal = {Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science},
pages = {119--124},
title = {Diets of albacore, <i>Thunnus alalunga</i>, and dolphins, <i>Delphinus delphis</i> and <i>Stenella coeruleoalba</i>, caught in the northeast Atlantic albacore drift-net fishery: a progress report},
volume = {22},
year = {1997}