Table lists all publications cited on this website that Philip A Whittington has authored.
author = {Whittington, P A and Dyer, B M and Crawford, R J M and Williams, A J},
issn = {1474-919X},
journal = {Ibis},
number = {2},
pages = {327-330},
title = {First recorded breeding of Leach's storm petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the Southern Hemisphere, at Dyer Island, South Africa},
volume = {141},
year = {1999}
address = {Johannesburg, South Africa},
author = {Ryan, P G and Whittington, P A},
booktitle = {The atlas of southern African birds Vol I: Non passerines},
editor = {Harrison, J A and Allan, D G and Underhill, L G and Herremans, M and Tree, A J and Parker, V and Brown, C J},
pages = {23},
publisher = {BirdLife South Africa},
title = {Leach's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa},
year = {1997}
address = {Cape Town, South Africa},
author = {Crawford, R J M and Whittington, P A},
booktitle = {Roberts - Birds of Southern Africa, VIIth ed},
editor = {Hockey, P A R and Dean, W R J and Ryan, P G},
pages = {631-634},
publisher = {The Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund},
title = {African Penguin Spheniscus demersus},
year = {2005}
author = {du Toit, M and Boere, G C and Cooper, J and De Villiers, M S and Kemper, J and Lenten, B and Petersen, S L and Simmons, R E and Underhill, L G and Whittington, P A},
institution = {Avian Demography Unit and Conservation Breeding Specialist Group},
title = {Conservation assessment and management plan for Southern African coastal seabirds},
year = {2003}
author = {Crawford, R J M and Tree, A J and Whittington, P A and Visagie, J and Upfold, L and Roxburgh, K J and Martin, A P and Dyer, B M},
journal = {African Journal of Marine Science},
pages = {189-193},
title = {Recent distributional changes of seabirds in South Africa: is climate having an impact},
volume = {30},
year = {2008}
author = {Ryan, P G and Whittington, P A and Crawford, R J M},
issn = {1814-232X},
journal = {African Journal of Marine Science},
number = {3},
pages = {431-437},
title = {A tale of two islands: contrasting fortunes for Subantarctic skuas at the Prince Edward Islands},
volume = {31},
year = {2009}
author = {Crawford, R J M and Whittington, P A and Martin, A P and Tree, A J and Makhado, A B},
journal = {Marine Ornithology},
pages = {159-174},
title = {Population trends of seabirds breeding in South Africa’s Eastern Cape and the possible influence of anthropogenic and environmental change},
volume = {37},
year = {2009}
author = {Whittington, P A and Crawford, R J M and Dyer, B M and Ryan, P G},
issn = {1814-232X},
journal = {African Journal of Marine Science},
number = {3},
pages = {439-444},
title = {Estimates of numbers of kelp gulls and Kerguelen and Antarctic terns breeding at the Prince Edward Islands, 1996/1997–2008/2009},
volume = {31},
year = {2009}