Red List of South African Species

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Redlist assessments

Table lists all assessments that Philip A Whittington has participated in.
RoleScientific nameCommon nameStatusScopeAssessed on
Assessor Oceanodroma leucorhoa Vieillot, 1817 Leach's Storm Petrel Critically Endangered (CR) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2015
Reviewer Sterna virgata Cabanis, 1875 Kerguelen Tern Endangered (EN) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2015
Reviewer Sterna vittata Gmelin JF, 1789 Antarctic Tern Endangered (EN) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2015
Reviewer Spheniscus demersus C Linnaeus, 1758 African Penguin Endangered (EN) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2015


Table lists all publications cited on this website that Philip A Whittington has authored.
 author = {Whittington, P A and Dyer, B M and Crawford, R J M and Williams, A J},
 issn = {1474-919X},
 journal = {Ibis},
 number = {2},
 pages = {327-330},
 title = {First recorded breeding of Leach's storm petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the Southern Hemisphere, at Dyer Island, South Africa},
 volume = {141},
 year = {1999}
 address = {Johannesburg, South Africa},
 author = {Ryan, P G and Whittington, P A},
 booktitle = {The atlas of southern African birds Vol I: Non passerines},
 editor = {Harrison, J A and Allan, D G and Underhill, L G and Herremans, M and Tree, A J and Parker, V and Brown, C J},
 pages = {23},
 publisher = {BirdLife South Africa},
 title = {Leach's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa},
 year = {1997}
 address = {Cape Town, South Africa},
 author = {Crawford, R J M and Whittington, P A},
 booktitle = {Roberts - Birds of Southern Africa, VIIth ed},
 editor = {Hockey, P A R and Dean, W R J and Ryan, P G},
 pages = {631-634},
 publisher = {The Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund},
 title = {African Penguin Spheniscus demersus},
 year = {2005}
 author = {du Toit, M and Boere, G C and Cooper, J and De Villiers, M S and Kemper, J and Lenten, B and Petersen, S L and Simmons, R E and Underhill, L G and Whittington, P A},
 institution = {Avian Demography Unit and Conservation Breeding Specialist Group},
 title = {Conservation assessment and management plan for Southern African coastal seabirds},
 year = {2003}
 author = {Crawford, R J M and Tree, A J and Whittington, P A and Visagie, J and Upfold, L and Roxburgh, K J and Martin, A P and Dyer, B M},
 journal = {African Journal of Marine Science},
 pages = {189-193},
 title = {Recent distributional changes of seabirds in South Africa: is climate having an impact},
 volume = {30},
 year = {2008}
 author = {Ryan, P G and Whittington, P A and Crawford, R J M},
 issn = {1814-232X},
 journal = {African Journal of Marine Science},
 number = {3},
 pages = {431-437},
 title = {A tale of two islands: contrasting fortunes for Subantarctic skuas at the Prince Edward Islands},
 volume = {31},
 year = {2009}
 author = {Crawford, R J M and Whittington, P A and Martin, A P and Tree, A J and Makhado, A B},
 journal = {Marine Ornithology},
 pages = {159-174},
 title = {Population trends of seabirds breeding in South Africa’s Eastern Cape and the possible influence of anthropogenic and environmental change},
 volume = {37},
 year = {2009}
 author = {Whittington, P A and Crawford, R J M and Dyer, B M and Ryan, P G},
 issn = {1814-232X},
 journal = {African Journal of Marine Science},
 number = {3},
 pages = {439-444},
 title = {Estimates of numbers of kelp gulls and Kerguelen and Antarctic terns breeding at the Prince Edward Islands, 1996/1997–2008/2009},
 volume = {31},
 year = {2009}