Red List of South African Species

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Redlist assessments

Table lists all assessments that Nico Avenant has participated in.
RoleScientific nameCommon nameStatusScopeAssessed on
Assessor Laephotis wintoni Raymond Dodge, Thomas Cline, 1901 De Winton's Long-eared Bat Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Assessor Thryonomys swinderianus Temminck, 1827 Greater Cane Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Caracal caracal Schreber, 1776 African Caracal Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Mystromys albicaudatus W Smith, 1834 White-tailed Mouse Vulnerable (VU) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Assessor Canis mesomelas Schreber, 1775 Silver-backed Jackal Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Redunca fulvorufula Afzelius, 1815 Bergriedbock Endangered (EN) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Cynictis penicillata G.[Baron] Cuvier, 1829 Fuchsmanguste Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Herpestes pulverulentus Moritz Wagner, 1839 Small Grey Mongoose Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Assessor Cistugo lesueuri S Roberts, 1919 Lesueur's Myotis Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Contributor Acomys spinosissimus C FW Peters, 1852 Southern African Spiny Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2015
Contributor Rhabdomys intermedius Oldfield Thomas, R Wroughton, 1905 Karoo Four-striped Grass Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Sep 2016
Contributor Rhabdomys bechuanae THOMAS MORONG, N BRITTON, 1893 West-Central South African Four-striped Grass Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Contributor Suncus varilla Thomas Bayne, 1895 Lesser Dwarf Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Suncus lixus Oldfield Thomas, 1898 Greater Dwarf Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Suncus infinitesimus Edmund Heller, 1912 Least Dwarf Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Xerus inauris Zimmermann, 1780 South African Ground Squirrel Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Micaelamys granti R Wroughton, 1908 Grant's Rock Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2017
Contributor Saccostomus campestris C FW Peters, 1846 Pouched Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Rhabdomys dilectus W de Winton, 1897 Mesic Four-striped Grass Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Contributor Dendromus melanotis W Smith, 1834 Gray African Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Rhabdomys pumilio Sparrman, 1784 Four-striped Grass Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)May 2016
Contributor Acomys subspinosus G Waterhouse, 1838 Kaapse stekelmuis Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2017
Contributor Micaelamys namaquensis W Smith, 1834 Namaqua Aethomys Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Contributor Gerbillurus paeba A Smith, 1836 Hairy-footed Gerbil Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Gerbillurus vallinus Paul T Young, 1918 Bushy-tailed Hairy-footed Gerbil Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Thallomys shortridgei Oldfield Thomas, Martin A Hinton, 1923 Shortrige's Rat Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)May 2016
Contributor Paraxerus cepapi A Smith, 1836 Smith's Bush Squirrel Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Otomys angoniensis R Wroughton, 1906 Angoni Vlei Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Mastomys natalensis W Smith, 1834 Natal Mastomys Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Mastomys coucha W Smith, 1834 Southern African Mastomys Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Hystrix africaeaustralis C FW Peters, 1852 Cape Porcupine Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Gerbilliscus leucogaster C FW Peters, 1852 Bushveld Gerbil Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Otomys irroratus Brants, 1827 Vlei Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)May 2016
Contributor Otomys laminatus Oldfield Thomas, Harold Schwann, 1905 Laminate Vlei Rat Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)May 2016
Contributor Otomys karoensis R Betham, V Stutfield, C Priest, J Carlisle, S Roberts, S Roberts, 1931 Robert’s Vlei Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2017
Contributor Aethomys chrysophilus W de Winton, 1897 Red Veld Aethomys Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Dasymys incomtus Carl J Sundevall, 1847 African Marsh Rat Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Contributor Dendromus mesomelas Brants, 1827 Brant's Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Dendromus mystacalis Baron von Heuglin, 1863 Chestnut Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Dendromus nyikae Oldfield Thomas, R Wroughton, 1909 Nyika Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Desmodillus auricularis W Smith, 1834 Cape Short-eared Gerbil Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Grammomys dolichurus Smuts, 1832 Woodland Thicket Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Graphiurus murinus Desmarest, 1822 Woodland Dormouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Malacothrix typica W Smith, 1834 Gerbil Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Mus indutus Oldfield Thomas, R Wroughton, 1910 Desert Pygmy Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Mus neavei Oldfield Thomas, R Wroughton, 1910 Neave's Mouse Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Oreotragus oreotragus Zimmermann, 1783 Klippspringer Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Parotomys brantsii W Smith, 1834 Brants's Whistling Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Parotomys littledalei Paul T Young, 1918 Littledale's Whistling Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Petromus typicus Andrew Smith, 1831 Dassie Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Petromyscus collinus Thomas W Murrell, 1925 Pygmy Rock Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Petromyscus monticularis Thomas W Murrell, 1925 Brukkaros Pygmy Rock Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Steatomys krebsii C FW Peters, 1852 Kreb's Fat Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Steatomys pratensis C FW Peters, 1846 Fat Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Gerbilliscus brantsii A Smith, 1836 Highveld Gerbil Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Thallomys nigricauda Oldfield Thomas, 1882 Black-tailed Tree Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Thallomys paedulcus Carl J Sundevall, 1846 Acacia Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Zelotomys woosnami Oldfield Thomas, Harold Schwann, 1906 Woosnam's Broad-headed Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Otomys auratus R Wroughton, 1906 Leboli Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Bathyergus janetta C Rudd, OLDFIELD THOMAS, HAROLD SCHWANN, 1904 Namaqua-Strandgräber Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Crocidura cyanea Duvernoy, 1838 Reddish-gray Musk Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Parahyaena brunnea Thunberg, 1820 Brown Hyaena Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Contributor Graphiurus rupicola Thomas W Murrell, 1925 Stone Dormouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Crocidura fuscomurina T v. Heuglin, 1865 Bicolored Musk Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Mus minutoides W Smith, 1834 Pygmy Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Crocidura hirta C FW Peters, 1852 Lesser Red Musk Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Crocidura mariquensis W Smith, 1844 Swamp Musk Shrew Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Graphiurus platyops Oldfield Thomas, 1897 Rock Dormouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Graphiurus microtis Noack, 1887 Small-eared Dormouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Crocidura silacea Thomas Bayne, 1895 Lesser Gray-brown Musk Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Pedetes capensis Laura Forster, 1778 Springhaas Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Raphicerus campestris Thunberg, 1811 Steenbok Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Grammomys cometes Oldfield Thomas, R Wroughton, 1908 Mozambique Thicket Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Fukomys damarensis W Ogilby, 1838 Damara Mole Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Myomyscus verreauxii W Smith, 1834 Verreaux's White-footed Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2017
Contributor Poecilogale albinucha J Gray, 1864 Kappeniltis Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Crocidura flavescens R Murchison, 1827 Greater Red Musk Shrew Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Crocidura maquassiensis S Roberts, A Von Hippel, 1946 Makwassie Musk Shrew Vulnerable (VU) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Lemniscomys rosalia Thomas Morgan, 1904 Single-striped Grass Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Leptailurus serval Schreber, 1776 Chat-tigre Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Contributor Paraxerus palliatus C FW Peters, 1852 Red Bush Squirrel Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Contributor Otomys sloggetti Thomas Bayne, 1902 Leboli-leqhoa Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2017
Contributor Bathyergus suillus Schreber, 1782 Cape Dune Blesmol Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2017
Reviewer Atelerix frontalis Andrew Smith, 1831 South African Hedgehog Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Caracal caracal Schreber, 1776 African Caracal Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Aonyx capensis Schinz, 1821 Cape Clawless Otter Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016
Reviewer Laephotis wintoni Raymond Dodge, Thomas Cline, 1901 De Winton's Long-eared Bat Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Thryonomys swinderianus Temminck, 1827 Greater Cane Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Canis mesomelas Schreber, 1775 Silver-backed Jackal Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Pelea capreolus Laura Forster, 1790 Common Rhebok Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)May 2016
Reviewer Herpestes pulverulentus Moritz Wagner, 1839 Small Grey Mongoose Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Dec 2016


Table lists all publications cited on this website that Nico Avenant has authored.
 author = {du Plessis J, Avenant N, Putsane T},
 title = {Mammals of the Katse Dam catchment. Report no. AEC/14/12, Specialist report for Contract 1273: Biological Resources Monitoring within Phase 1 of the LHWP Catchments 2013-14.},
 year = {2014}
 author = {Turpie J, Barker N, Clark B, Diedericks G, Marneweck G, Allan D, Harvey J, Avenant N, Forsythe K},
 institution = {Anchor Environmental Consultants},
 title = { State of the Katse Dam Catchment: synthesis of the 2013/14 monitoring studies. Contract 1273: Biological Resources Monitoring within Phase 1 of the LHWP Catchments 2013-14},
 year = {2014}
 author = {Turpie J, Barker N, Clark B, Diedericks G, Marneweck G, Allan D, Harvey J, Avenant N, Forsythe K},
 institution = {Anchor Environmental Consultants},
 title = {State of the Mohale Dam Catchment: synthesis of the 2013/14 monitoring studies. Contract 1273: Biological Resources Monitoring within Phase 1 of the LHWP Catchments 2013-14},
 year = {2014}
 author = {du Plessis J, Avenant N, Putsane T. },
 institution = {Report no. AEC/14/12, Specialist report for Contract 1273: Biological Resources Monitoring within Phase 1 of the LHWP Catchments 2013-14. Submitted by Anchor Environmental Consultants to the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority},
 title = {Mammals of the Katse Dam catchment},
 year = {2014}
 author = {du Plessis J, Avenant N, Putsane T.},
 institution = {Anchor Environmental Consultants to the Lesotho Highlands Development Authority.},
 title = {Mammals of the Katse Dam catchment.},
 year = {2014}
 author = {nan},
 title = {Red Data Book of the Mammals of South Africa: A Conservation Assessment.CBSG Southern Africa, IUCN SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa.},
 year = {2004}
 author = {Avenant N},
 journal = {Wildlife Research},
 pages = {626–639},
 title = {The potential utility of rodents and other small mammals as indicators of ecosystem ’integrity’ of South African grasslands.},
 volume = {38},
 year = {2011}