Red List of South African Species

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Redlist assessments

Table lists all assessments that Corrie Shoeman has participated in.
RoleScientific nameCommon nameStatusScopeAssessed on
Assessor Steatomys krebsii C FW Peters, 1852 Kreb's Fat Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Grammomys dolichurus Smuts, 1832 Woodland Thicket Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Steatomys pratensis C FW Peters, 1846 Fat Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Dendromus mystacalis Baron von Heuglin, 1863 Chestnut Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Dendromus mesomelas Brants, 1827 Brant's Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Lemniscomys rosalia Thomas Morgan, 1904 Single-striped Grass Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Dendromus nyikae Oldfield Thomas, R Wroughton, 1909 Nyika Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Gerbilliscus leucogaster C FW Peters, 1852 Bushveld Gerbil Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Miniopterus inflatus Thomas Bayne, 1903 Greater Long-fingered Bat Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Assessor Chaerephon pumilus Cretzschmar, 1826 Lesser Free-tailed Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Contributor Tadarida ventralis Hofrath Heuglin, 1861 African Giant Free-tailed Bat Vulnerable (VU) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Grammomys dolichurus Smuts, 1832 Woodland Thicket Rat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Glauconycteris variegata Robert Tomes, 1861 Butterfly Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Epomophorus wahlbergi Carl J Sundevall, 1846 Wahlberg's Epauletted Fruit Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Nycteris woodi N Bowen, Knud Andersen, 1914 Wood's Long-eared Bat Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Rhinolophus denti Thomas Morgan, 1904 Dent's Horseshoe Bat Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Steatomys krebsii C FW Peters, 1852 Kreb's Fat Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Steatomys pratensis C FW Peters, 1846 Fat Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Laephotis botswanae Alfred W Ebeling, Neils B Atkin, Paulette Y Setzer, 1971 Botswana Longeared Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Tadarida fulminans Thomas Bayne, 1903 Large Free-tailed Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Lemniscomys rosalia Thomas Morgan, 1904 Single-striped Grass Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Miniopterus fraterculus Oldfield Thomas, Harold Schwann, 1906 Black Clinging Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Dendromus mystacalis Baron von Heuglin, 1863 Chestnut Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Dendromus nyikae Oldfield Thomas, R Wroughton, 1909 Nyika Climbing Mouse Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Rhinolophus swinnyi Geo C Gough, 1908 Swinny's Horseshoe Bat Vulnerable (VU) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Tadarida aegyptiaca E Germar, 1818 Egyptian Guano Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Gerbilliscus leucogaster C FW Peters, 1852 Bushveld Gerbil Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Rhinolophus blasii C FW Peters, 1867 Peak-saddle Horseshoe Bat Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Rhinolophus clivosus Cretzschmar, 1828 Arabian Horseshoe Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Miniopterus natalensis W Smith, 1834 Natal Clinging Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Kerivoula argentata Robert Tomes, 1861 Damara Woolly Bat Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Kerivoula lanosa W Smith, 1847 Lesser Woolly Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Laephotis namibensis Alfred W Ebeling, Neils B Atkin, Paulette Y Setzer, 1971 Namibian Long-eared Bat Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Mops midas Carl J Sundevall, 1843 Midas Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Myotis welwitschii Samuel Gray, 1866 Welwitch's Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Nycteris hispida Schreber, 1775 Hairy Long-eared Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Pipistrellus rueppellii N W Fischer, 1829 Rüppell's Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Pipistrellus rusticus Robert Tomes, 1861 Rusty Pipistrelle Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Rhinolophus fumigatus Rüppell, 1842 Rüppell's Horseshoe Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Rhinolophus landeri Martin Sinclair, 1838 Lander's Horseshoe Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Rhinolophus simulator Knud Andersen, 1904 Bushveld Horseshoe Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Scotophilus dinganii W Smith, 1833 African Yellow Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Scotophilus viridis C FW Peters, 1852 Green House Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Nycticeinops schlieffeni C FW Peters, 1859 Schlieffen's Twilight Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Neoromicia capensis A SMITH, 1829 Cape House Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Neoromicia melckorum S Roberts, 1919 Melck's House Bat Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Neoromicia zuluensis S Roberts, 1924 Aloe Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Pipistrellus hesperidus Temminck, 1840 Dusky pipistrelle Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Scotoecus albofuscus Oldfield Thomas, 1890 Thomas' House Bat Near Threatened (NT) Regional (South Africa)Jan 2016
Reviewer Rhinolophus smithersi Peter J Taylor, Samantha Stoffberg, A Monadjem, Martinus C Schoeman, Julian Bayliss, Fenton P D Cotterill, 2012 Smithers's Horseshoe Bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Eptesicus hottentotus W Smith, 1833 Hottentot bat Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Neoromicia rendalli Thomas D Rambaut, William Kingsford, 1889 Rendall's Pipistrelle Least Concern (LC) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Laephotis wintoni Raymond Dodge, Thomas Cline, 1901 De Winton's Long-eared Bat Data Deficient (DD) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014
Reviewer Cloeotis percivali Raymond Dodge, Thomas Cline, 1901 African Trident Bat Endangered (EN) Regional (South Africa)Feb 2014