(Changed due to Same category and criteria)
This is a range restricted endemic species from the Eastern Cape, South Africa (EOO 310 km<sup>2</sup> AOO 40 km<sup>2</sup>). There are six locations. At present there is no evidence of population decline, but there is evidence of habitat deterioration as a result of alien vegetation and low frequency of fires. It therefore qualifies as Vulnerable under Criterion B.
Endemic to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, from Gaika's Kop at Hogsback and a few localities north and east on the Amatole mountains.
This is because of invasion by alien species, such as Nasella grass and Bramble.
A taxon with small, scattered subpopulations although most of these are not under immediate threat. Three subpopulations are threatened by alien invasive species and overprotection from fire.
Further field surveys are required to establish the exact range and abundance of this taxon.
address = {Johannesburg &Cape Town},
author = {Mecenero, S., Ball, J.B., Edge, D.A., Hamer, M.L., Henning, G.A., Krüger, M., Pringle, E.L., Terblanche, R.F. & Williams, M.C. (eds)},
publisher = {Saftronics (pty) Ltd and Animal Demography Unit, University of Cape Town},
title = {Conservation assessment of butterflies of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland: Red List and Atlas.},
year = {2013}
address = {Pretoria},
author = {Henning, G.A., Terblanche, R.F. & Ball, J.B. (eds)},
publisher = {South African National Biodiversity Institute},
title = {South African Red Data Book: butterflies. SANBI Biodiversity Series},
year = {2009}
author = {SANBI},
journal = {South African National Biodiversity Institute},
pages = {0},
title = { Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland [vector geospatial dataset] 2012. Available from the Biodiversity GIS website.},
volume = {0},
year = {2012}
address = {Cape Town, South Africa},
author = {Woodhall, S.E.},
publisher = {Struik},
title = {Field Guide to Butterflies of South Africa.},
year = {2005}
address = {Cape Town},
author = {Pringle, E.L., Henning, G.A. & Ball, J.B. (eds)},
publisher = {Struik-Winchester},
title = {Pennington's Butterflies of southern Africa.},
year = {1994}
author = {Heath, A. & Pringle, E.L.},
journal = {Metamorphosis},
pages = {2--44, plus CD--ROM},
title = {Biological observations and taxonomic review based on morphological characters in the myrmecophilous genus <i>Chrysoritis</i> Butler (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Aphnaeini). },
volume = {18},
year = {2007}