Population trend
Little is known about the population status of Polyamblyodon germanum but it is fairly common on the northern coast of the Eastern Cape and on the southern KwaZulu-Natal coast (Mann et al. 2006, C. Buxton and B. Mann pers. comm. 2009). The total reported commercial catch for this species has remained fairly stable 0.5–1.5 tonnes/annum during the period 1985–2000 with a slight increase since then. However, it is frequently misidentified by fisherman and is often confused with Pachymetopon aeneum and P. grande (B. Mann, ORI pers. obs.). The increase in catches is not believed to represent an increase in abundance but rather it is probably due to increased incidental catches of P. germanum in the targeted P. aeneum linefishery which uses smaller hooks (C. Buxton and B. Mann, pers. comm. 2009). Commercial data show that since 2000 commercial fishing effort has declined dramatically in the South African linefishery from approximately 3,000 to 450 vessels in line with the long-term fisheries rights allocation process implemented in 2006 (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2012).