Population trend
A stock assessment has not been completed for S. durbanensis; however, it is estimated that the stocks of this species have declined to approximately 20% of their historical values (Griffiths and Lamberth 2002). Relative abundance, based on available CPUE values, is highest on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast during winter from June to July and on the South-eastern Cape coast during spring and summer from August to December (Booth and Attwood 2000). CPUE decreased sharply in the Port Elizabeth area from 30.3 g/person/hour in 1985–1986 (Clarke and Buxton 1989) to 6 g/person/hour in 1996 (Brouwer 1997). NMLS shore patrol data indicate a slight increasing trend in CPUE of S. durbanensis along the KwaZulu-Natal coast between 1985 and 2006; however, this may be due to improved targeting of this species in the winter (Pradervand 2007, B. Mann ORI pers. obs.).