Red List of South African Species

Alternatively, Explore species
Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

Has a small range, but is abundant and most of the distribution occurs in protected areas or in diamond mine buffer areas, where it also receives de facto protection.


Endemic to southern Africa where it occurs in the Lüderitz and Karasburg districts of Namibia. Most localities are in the lower Orange River valley and lower Fish River valley, but there are scattered localities from the Aurusberg Mountains to just south of Aus. In extends into South Africa in the extreme north-western Northern Cape Province.



Population trend


Population is considered to be stable given that at least half the distribution is within protected areas, and the remainder is not impacted by habitat transformation.


There are no known threats to this species.

Uses and trade

No known utilization of this species.


None recommended.

Lead agencies, Partners and Funders

See the partners page