Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

This species is assessed as Least Concern as although the extent of occurrence (EOO) is <10,000 km2, the threats are thought to be localized to the western part of the range. Very little is known about the true distribution of this taxon. It probably extends further into Mozambique than records suggest. Threats in Mozambique are unknown. In South Africa, the area of occupancy and habitat quality are probably influenced by human land-use changes, although some small-scale changes such as subsistence agriculture may favour the taxon.


This species occurs in two disjunct subpopulations (with separate subspecies names and assessments) in northern and northeastern Limpopo, South Africa, and (presumably) a small portion of adjacent Mozambique (Jacobsen 1989, Branch 1998, Bates et al. 2014). It may also occur in southeastern Zimbabwe. The EOO is estimated to be 9,508 km.

Population trend


No population data are available for this species. These animals are found in low densities in appropriate micro-habitats, but quantification in the soil has not been attempted to date. It is unknown to what extent they are able to migrate, although vagility within soil is expected to be low, and above ground movements may be restricted to particular weather conditions.


This species may be threatened by agriculture and changes in game stocking levels (Broadley et al. 1976, Measey et al. 2009), however, some small-scale changes such as subsistence agriculture may favour the taxon.

Uses and trade

The species is not used or traded.


There are no known species-specific conservation measures in place for this species. Further research is required into taxonomy, population size and range, and the impact that habitat change is having on this species, especially in Mozambique.

Lead agencies, Partners and Funders

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