Red List of South African Species

Alternatively, Explore species
Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

Widespread, abundant and tolerant of transformed habitats, hence this species is assessed as Least Concern.


Naturally endemic to the Cape Fold Mountain region of the Western and Eastern Cape provinces, but its commensal habits have resulted in numerous translocations (e.g. Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown, East London, and numerous offshore islands on the West Coast of South Africa and Namibia, as well as St Helena in the mid-Atlantic Ocean; Branch 1991). There are a  number of questionable records from inland areas of Namaqualand, including Bitterfontein (Port Elizabeth Museum), Nieuwoudtville (South African Museum), as well as several records from the Great Karoo (Visser 1984) and these may represent translocations or mis-identifications (Bates et al. 2014).

Population trend


The population is inferred to be stable and not fragmented due to the large distribution and tolerance of altered habitats.


There are no major threats to this species.

Uses and trade

Not known to be utilized in any way.


No conservation actions are recommended. The range coincides with a number of protected areas.

Lead agencies, Partners and Funders

See the partners page