While N. melckorum was previously considered distinct from N. capensis, recent research reveals that the Western Cape specimens are conspecific with N. capensis, and that only the Kruger National Park population is distinct on a chromosomal level, which is provisionally called N. cf. melckorum pending formal naming. While this species qualifies as Vulnerable D2 based on only one location, there are no plausible threats because it exists inside a protected area at the edge of its range. Thus, we list here as Least Concern. It was Not Evaluated in the previous assessment as it was considered a vagrant. However, we list it here to highlight the need for further research and clarity. Taxonomic resolution is required and more accurate delimitation of its range and ecology through field surveys is recommended.Regional population effects: This species appears to be widely but sparsely distributed in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia and Malawi with connected habitat between these regions and the assessment region through the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park. However, wing loading is very low (M. Happold unpubl. data), so rescue effects are uncertain.