Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)


This enigmatic species occurs at naturally low densities but is also severely threatened by loss of productive habitats and hunting for the traditional medicine trade. Although this species has a wide range, it is not abundant. It is a specialist predator of small mammals and has a high metabolic rate, which means it can only exist in habitats containing adequate numbers of prey. Such habitats are being lost or drastically transformed to grow food, cash crops or commercial forestry plantations. This is compounded by overgrazing that reduces the cover on which the African Striped Weasel’s prey species rely. Human population expansion has increased the number of dogs that often kill African Striped Weasels or compete for food. Similarly, Black-backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas) densities have increased markedly in these areas, which may also have a significant impact.

We estimated that only 7,138 km2 of the species’ area of occupancy is within natural habitat outside of potential harvesting pressure (see Distribution) which, combined with it being a naturally low-density species, may mean there are fewer than 10,000 mature individuals. The average rate of rural expansion in all core provinces (every province besides the Northern Cape) since 2000 is 10 ± 13%. The estimated three-generation period for this species is 9 years. If we assume that rural settlement expansion is a proxy for harvesting pressure, then the African Weasel satisfies Near Threatened C1, as a 10% decline over a 10-year period is likely. Corroborating this, by combining multiple datasets, reporting frequency has declined by 55% from 1991–2001 and 2002–2013. However, this may not be an accurate measure of population decline as reporting frequency is confounded by inconsistent search effort and observer bias. Confounding this are regional differences: for example, the Western Cape Province shows the opposite trend as the majority of data have been collected post-2000, which suggests a subpopulation increase in the province. However, we suspect that this difference may be due to varying harvesting pressures between the provinces, with Western Cape having the lowest rate of rural settlement expansion since 1990. Further field studies and surveys to determine current area of occupancy, density estimates, home range size and habitat preference, and severity of traditional medicine trade on this species are desperately needed. This species should be reassessed as soon as new data become available.

Regional population effects:
There is suspected to be little dispersal of individuals from neighbouring countries or not on the scale to impart a significant rescue effect.


This species ranges from southwestern Uganda and Kenya to the Western Cape in South Africa (Stuart & Stuart 1998, 2013; Skinner & Chimimba 2005). It has been recorded from nearly sea level to 2,300 m asl in Malawi (Medland & Dudley 1995). Most of the available records come from southeast South Africa, as this is where most research has been conducted (Stuart & Stuart 2013). A range expansion may have occurred in southwest South Africa, based on documented road kills (Stuart & Stuart 1998). Because of its secretive nature it has probably been overlooked in many areas, especially in light of records from sites that were previously considered unsuitable (Stuart and Stuart 2013). It is also often confused with the Striped Polecat (Ictonyx striatus), which may lead to overestimation of its distribution in some cases.

Within the assessment region, it occurs along the west coast from Garies southward to the top of the escarpment into the western and southern Cape coastal belt, east and northeast Northern Cape, and all other provinces. It occurs predominantly in moist eastern grasslands (Skinner & Chimimba 2005), and parts of the Western Cape where incidental sightings and road kill specimens indicate a currently widespread distribution in the Southwest Fynbos bioregion within the Kogelberg and Boland Mountain regions, the Swartland Shale Renosterveld and Cederberg Sandstone Fynbos bioregions within the Cederberg Mountain regions, the Cape Flats Sand Fynbos and Cape Flats Dune Sandveld bioregions, the De Hoop Limestone Fynbos and South Outeniqua Sandstone Fynbos bioregions, extending to the Lamberts Bay Strandveld bioregion (C. Birss unpubl. data). They have been observed in southeast Namibia (C. Stuart & M. Stuart pers. obs.) and Stuart and Stuart (1990) reported a sighting from the South African side of Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in 1989, which may indicate a wider distribution in Botswana and eastern Namibia, but it has not been recorded from the area since. Similarly, it has never been recorded in the Kruger National Park. Many other areas of the country have not reported sightings for many years. For example, it was not recorded at all during a province-wide survey in the North West in 2010 (Power 2014), where available records are mostly museum specimens or anecdotal sightings (Stuart 1981; Rautenbach 1982); and it has not been recorded recently from Mkhuze Game Reserve in northern KwaZulu-Natal (T. Bodasing pers comm. 2014). The lack of current records, however, may be due to lack of search effort. Further field surveys are needed to determine its occurrence.

In the dry, western-most range of the species, it appears to lead an increasingly subterranean existence. This may be a behavioural response to avoid extreme temperatures and reduce water requirements. Almost without exception, the few records that have been reported from this region indicate the presence of mole-rats (B. Wilson unpubl. data). It should be considered that the species may well have an inquilistic relationship with mole-rats and that, in the arid areas of their range, they thus have a sympatric distribution. It is therefore conceivable that the distribution of the species is slightly more widespread than reported, but remains nevertheless extremely fragmented and the population densities extremely low. In these areas, the loss of any habitat for mole-rats is thus likely to result in the loss of habitat and available prey base for the weasels too.

We calculated the proportion of the estimated area of occupancy affected by harvesting. As home range size for the weasel is unknown, we buffered both weasel distribution points and “huts” (as a proxy of rural development measured using Eskom Spot Building Count from 2011) by a radius of 10 km. We then summed the buffered weasel points to “sample” area of occupancy (AOO), which we estimated as 50,518 km2. We then used 2013 land cover data (GeoTerraImage 2015) to estimate the amount of natural land currently contained within the AOO, which we estimated at 36,506 km2. Finally, we subtracted the area of the natural AOO that intersects the buffered rural villages, and thus within harvesting distance, which equated to only 7,138 km2 natural AOO not within 10 km of a village. This represents an 86% reduction in effective AOO. However, this is a snapshot sample and has no time period over which to measure the rate of change.

Population trend


It is rare to uncommon. For example, in the Free State, the lack of observation records (from multiple sources) suggests it is the scarcest of mammal species (N.L. Avenant unpubl. data). In the Northern Cape, there are two historical records (from the Kalahari and from Schmidtsdrif) and only three other records added in the last eight years (B. Wilson unpubl. data). However, this may be an artefact of increased research effort as well as increased awareness around the species in the farming communities. As such, the status of the species in the Northern Cape remains unclear. Similarly, the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency has only one record (in 2006) in the period 2006–2013 (D. Peinke unpubl. data).

Highest densities are reached in moist higher rainfall grasslands (Stuart & Stuart 2013), such as the grasslands of KwaZulu-Natal (Rowe-Rowe 1992). It is probably only common in areas where there are perennially dense rodent populations (Stuart & Stuart 2013). It is currently not possible to estimate population size because, although widespread, they are difficult to observe and there are no density estimates. However, as all available data sources indicate a sparsely distributed and scarce population, indicating a small overall population size, it is conceivable that there are fewer than 10,000 mature individuals within the assessment region. Field studies are needed to determine area requirements, population composition, numbers, and trends. At present, we infer the population to be declining for the following reasons:
  1. Between 1972 and 1977, surveys of small carnivores were performed in KwaZulu-Natal (Rowe-Rowe 1978a). In a second survey, conducted 20 years later (Rowe-Rowe 1992), declines in both numbers and occupancy were reported. This was inferred to be caused by loss of habitat to food crops and commercial forestry, and declines in habitat quality from overgrazing and erosion. Considering the ongoing trend in habitat loss (Jewitt et al. 2015), a declining population is likely to be ongoing too.
  2. A useful index of abundance was given by Cunningham and Zondi (1991). In their comprehensive survey of wildlife use in traditional medicines in KwaZulu-Natal, they concluded that the African Striped Weasel was the province’s most threatened species. Dealers reported that the species, which is highly prized in traditional medicine (Rowe-Rowe 1990, 1992; N.L. Avenant unpubl. data), was becoming scarcer as there were fewer animals in the wild. Thus, population decline is inferred by data presented in Cunningham and Zondi (1991) and others (see Use and Trade). The average rate of rural expansion in all core provinces (every province besides the Northern Cape), between 2000 and 2013 is 10 ± 13% (GeoTerraImage 2015). Generation length is estimated as 3 years (Stuart et al. 2015), which yields a 9-year three-generation period. Thus, if we construe rural settlement expansion as a proxy for harvesting pressure and subsequent population decline, we can infer a > 10% population decline over a 10-year period.
  3. Corroborating this, reporting rate has declined from 89 in total from 1991–2001, to 49 in total from 2002–2013. These data are a composite of museum records, provincial and SANParks recordings and individual camera trap data. However, the Western Cape data show the opposite trend, where most of the data were collected post-2000.
  4. An intensive survey in North West Province in 2010 revealed no records (Power 2014), compared to the 1970s when there were records obtained for the same regions (Rautenbach 1982).
Although inferring exact decline from the data described above is unreliable because observer effort is unequal in time and space, we feel the data are robust enough to indicate some form of decline taking place. However, contrary to the overall trend, limited data from the Western Cape may suggest a stable subpopulation. Relatively large numbers are collected dead on the roads, picked up on camera traps and reports from suburbia are also not infrequent (for example, Somerset West, West Stellenbosch and Durbanville) (C. Birss unpubl. data). The transformation from fynbos to grassland habitat and the removal of larger predators may have facilitated this trend. However, this may also be a “western anomaly”, perhaps caused by climate change, which only applies to a relatively small area of the total distribution. The anomaly between the Western Cape increase in reporting rate and the rest of country may also be explained by the relative lack of rural settlements in the Western Cape (and thus potentially lower harvesting rates) compared to the rest of the country. More research is needed to provide evidence for these hypotheses.


Habitat loss is perhaps the greatest threat to this species. Being a specialist feeder on small mammals, occurring at low density, and an apparent association with habitats that are being altered or lost, places this species at risk within the assessment region. Large tracts of grasslands, where rodent densities are highest, have been ploughed to grow food or cash crops (maize, sugarcane, bananas, pineapples, vegetables and livestock fodder) while moist grassland is being increasingly converted to commercial timber plantations (Rowe-Rowe 1990, 1992). Furthermore, overgrazing, particularly in subsistenec farming areas, causes declines of small mammals by removing ground cover (Rowe-Rowe and Lowry 1982). With increasing human populations in rural areas there are also increases in the numbers of dogs which compete with African Weasels for food and often kill them (Rowe-Rowe 1990, 1992). Loss of a prey base is likely to affect this species significantly more than other because they are long and thin and well-adapted for entering burrowns or confiend spaces to kill thier prey but this means they have a higher metabolic rate (owing to a greater proportion of surface area to body mass) than conetionally shaped and stockier animals (Rowe-Rowe 1978a). Males need about 95 g of prey / day and females need 67 g / day (Rowe-Rowe 1978a). During preganancy (one month) and lactation (two months), the amount of food needed increases, as well as the 5-6 weeks before the young can kill on their own (Rowe-Rowe 1978c). If females raise one litter per year, food requirements are greater for at least 4 months. Thus, the annual prey requirments of Rhabdomys-sized (c. 35g) small mammals would be 1000-1100  / y for males and 730-1100 /y for females. A pair of African Weasels needs about 2000 murids / year an dare thus highly dependent on intact habitat and healthy prey populations.

Additionally, Cunningham and Zondi (1991) regarded this species as one of the most-used animals in traditional medicine, and in parts of its range the skins are commonly used by traditional healers and sangomas as a good luck charm. However, this does not necessarily mean that the species is over-exploited but may rather reflect declining numbers in the wild. Any African Weasel encountered in KwaZulu-Natal, though, is likely to be killed for personal use or to sell to traditional healers.

Although road collisions were listed as a threat in the 2004 assessment, there is no evidence this is a serious threat to African Weasels. We have encountered very few incidents and there are no recorded incidents on the EWT Road Collision database.

Uses and trade

The species is used in traditional medicine and is easily captured when encountered. Cunningham and Zondi (1991) regarded this species as one of the most heavily hunted animals for the traditional medicine trade. The high demand for this species was corroborated by Ngwenya (2001) who found it was the second most sought after species in KwaZulu-Natal. Skins are commonly used by traditional healers and sangomas as a good luck charm (Stuart et al. 2015). They have also been found in traditional medicine markets in the Eastern Cape and Gauteng (Simelane & Kerley 1998; Whiting et al. 2011). They are also highly prized in traditional medicine in Lesotho (Lynch 1994; N.L. Avenant pers. comm. 2015).


This species is present in several protected areas across its range, which should be comprehensively documented. Outside protected areas, land-use planning should continue to conserve grassland habitats through protected area expansion, conservancy formation or stewardship schemes. Reducing agricultural intensification to conserve grassland habitats is likely to be a successful intervention for this species. For example, it was recorded in 2015 on a former dairy farm in the Free State where the last cattle were removed in 2004 (Buschke 2016).

Conservationists should also work with farmers and rural communities to reduce overgrazing and retain ground cover to sustain the prey base of African Striped Weasels. Conservationists should also raise the public profile of this species and increase sightings submissions to improve our knowledge of its distribution. For example, in 2004, a private conservation group, Royal Hembe Conservation Group, on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal started using the African Striped Weasel as a flagship species to promote care and sound management of declining coastal habitats. One of their members, a zoo curator, initiated a captive breeding programme for the species at Mitchell Park Zoo, Durban.

Recommendations for land managers and practitioners:
  • Sustain natural prey diversity by retaining ground cover.
  • Systematic monitoring projects should be established to formally assess population trend.
  • Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife has listed the African Striped Weasel as a key species for continued monitoring and each staff member keeps a booklet to record sightings. Similarly, CapeNature has it listed as a “priority species” and all sightings and specimens are collected. This should be established in other provinces.
Research priorities:
  • Long-term surveys are necessary to establish baseline population data and density to gauge the effectiveness of conservation efforts.
  • Quantifying the severity of threats, including habitat loss and levels of harvesting.
  • Determining whether the species is a habitat generalist or a specialist of grasslands.
  • Field studies are needed to evaluate area requirements, population composition and specific habitat tolerance (for example, prey availability, soil texture, and cover). This includes determining densities and ecological adaptations in arid areas.
  • The genetics of the southern African population/s should be assessed to determine whether there is any gene flow and establish whether there are any evolutionarily significant units. Dispersal and mobility information, which could be obtained from genetic studies, may assist in understanding what is happening with the Western Cape population to understand patterns of gene flow and connectivity between populations. Genetic samples are being collected and currently housed with the University of Stellenbosch, to understand regional differences with a view to possible future reintroductions.
  • Understanding the effects of climate change in reducing suitable grassland habitat.
Encouraged citizen actions:
  • Report sightings on virtual museum platforms (for example, iSpot and MammalMAP). This includes reporting road casualties to the Endangered Wildlife Trust Road Watch application.

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