Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)


Listed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution (estimated extent of occurrence is 461,101 km2) within the assessment region, its presumed large population due to it being a common species, its occurrence in several protected areas (including Kruger National Park), its ability to utilise artificial habitats, and because there are no major identified threats that could cause widespread population decline. The conservation and protection of large trees used for roosting sites, such as Leadwood (Combretum imberbe) and Mopane (Colophospermum mopane) trees, is a recommended management practice for sustaining this species.

Regional population effects: Habitat between regions is contiguous and its range is likely more extensive in neighbouring countries that currently documented. Thus we infer rescue effects are possible.


This species is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, ranging from Senegal and The Gambia in West Africa, to northern Cameroon and Central African Republic, from there into Sudan and Ethiopia, and then south through much of East Africa and southeastern Africa, occurring as far south as eastern South Africa and Swaziland (Skinner & Chimimba 2005). Within the assessment region, they are restricted to eastern South Africa and Swaziland, extending from KwaZulu-Natal through Kruger National Park and into Mozambique. It is under-sampled and will probably be shown to be more widespread in the subtropical eastern and northern parts of the region (Monadjem et al. 2010b). The estimated extent of occurrence within the assessment region is 461,101 km2.

Population trend


This is a common species (ACR 2015), although its population has not been studied in detail. It is not well represented in museums, with only 41 records examined in Monadjem et al. (2010b). Where it does occur, it is often more abundant than S. dinganii; for example, in Swaziland and Mozambique (A. Monadjem unpubl. data).


There are no major threats to this species. However, the loss of large trees used for roosting from fuelwood harvesting and agricultural expansion may result in local declines. Key roosting trees, such as C. imberbe, are slow-growing and vulnerable to be over-utilised for fuelwood (sensu Wessels et al. 2013).

Uses and trade

There is no evidence to suggest that the species is traded or utilised in any form.


In the assessment region, the species is recorded from several protected areas, including Kruger National Park, Hans Merensky Nature Reserve, Ndumo Game Reserve, Tembe Elephant Park, iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Pongolapoort Nature Reserve, Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park and Mlawula Nature Reserve in Swaziland. No direct conservation interventions are necessary for this species, but it will benefit from protection of key roost sites, particularly large trees such as Combretum imberbe, Colophospermum mopane and Acacia nigrescens (Fenton et al. 1985; Monadjem et al. 2010a). The conservation of such roosting trees may be critical to the continued persistence of cavity-nesting insectivorous bats in African savannahs (Monadjem et al. 2010a).

Recommendations for land managers and practitioners:
  • The conservation and protection of large trees used for roosting sites is a recommended management practice for this species.
  • Reduce pesticide use in agricultural landscapes.
Research priorities:
  • Surveys to determine population size, trend and distribution of additional colonies.
  • Taxonomic resolutions through sampling from a broader geographical area (including southern, eastern, central and West Africa) using both molecular and morphological datasets (Monadjem et al. 2010b).
Encouraged citizen actions:
  • Limit disturbance to roost sites.
  • Citizens can assist the conservation of the species by reporting sightings on virtual museum platforms (for example, iSpot and MammalMAP), and therefore contribute to an understanding of the species distribution.

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