Global and regional population trends and abundance data is unavailable for this species, and it is considered elusive and rare in the waters of the assessment region. Although, occasional mass stranding events have been documented in South Africa, it is suspected that these are accredited to natural causes, rather than anthropogenic activities. No major threats that may cause substantial population depletion, have been identified, resultantly, this species is listed as Least Concern, in line with the global assessment. However, considering the rarity and low reproductive potential of the False Killer Whale, it may be particularly vulnerable to minor threats, including fisheries bycatch (especially longline fisheries) and persecution, competition for prey resources, climate change and anthropogenic pollution. Continued research into potential risks, population abundance and distribution, as well as the identification of critical habitats may be necessary.Regional population effects: The False Killer Whale is a wide-ranging pelagic cetacean, with a continuous distribution and no obvious barriers to dispersal, thus rescue effects are possible.