Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)


The Side-striped Jackal is listed as Least Concern as it appears to be expanding westwards into the Lowveld of South Africa and thus we infer that the population is increasing or at least stable. The species has been observed in areas where Black-backed Jackals (Canis mesomelas) have either been extirpated or have declined in Mpumalanga. Furthermore, this species’ dietary breadth and ability to co-exist with humans in modified landscapes suggests that subpopulations are only threatened in extremely modified habitats or with disease epidemics.

The mature population size has been estimated as 1,356 to 8,907 individuals based on a density of 1 breeding pair / 25 km2 across the area of occupancy (AOO) (16,950 km2) and extent of occurrence (EOO) (111,335 km2), respectively. Further density estimates from within the assessment region are necessary to refine this estimate. Additionally, the majority of the population exists within Kruger National Park and there are no systemic threats that could cause rapid population decline: Side-striped Jackals are not perceived by landowners to be as much of a threat as Black-backed Jackals, and thus we suspect persecution rates are lower; they have high reproductive rates which facilitates rapid recovery following crashes; and the expansion of game farms may be increasing natural prey for this species.

Regional population effects: The Side-striped Jackal is an edge of range species, therefore it is expected that there is continuous distribution with the rest of its range. Immigration into the assessment region is possible, as are rescue effects.


The Side-striped Jackal is present over much of sub-Saharan Africa. It occurs from Gambia and Senegal through the Sahelian regions of West Africa to the Horn of Africa, and then southwards into southern Africa and the assessment region (Loveridge & Macdonald 2003). In the arid southwest and northwest of the continent the species is generally replaced by the Black-backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas) and in North Africa by the African Golden Wolf (Canis anthus or lupaster) [previously believed to be the Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)].

Within the assessment region, it occurs in eastern Limpopo, Mpumalanga and northern KwaZulu-Natal and has an assumed area of occupancy across the whole of Kruger National Park and its adjoining private conservancies (Limpopo and Mpumalanga). It is sparsely spread in the more western areas of the lowveld towards the escarpment. The southern area where this species is most commonly seen is Chrissiesmeer, and the most western record is Belfast. Northeastern KwaZulu-Natal marks the species most southerly occurrence (Rowe-Rowe 1992). Side-striped Jackals are also found in the eastern regions of Swaziland (A. Monadjem pers. comm. 2016), but do not occur in Lesotho.

Over the past two decades the species seems to have been expanding its range westwards into the Lowveld, especially in areas where Black-backed Jackal numbers are suppressed (G. Camacho pers. obs.). For example, there are now records of the species on the edge of the town of Lydenburg in the western lowveld and records from the Soutpansberg (Limpopo Province). The current extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 111,335 km2, which is a 61% increase in EOO compared to 2004 (EOO estimated at 43,525 km2; Friedmann & Daly 2004). The extent of range expansion is probably over-estimated due to insufficient data in the previous assessment but may indicate a genuine range increase too.

Population trend


Throughout their range Side-striped Jackals are naturally uncommon. In Mpumalanga they are widely distributed to the central and eastern parts of the province, but based on field observations over the past two decades (G. Camacho pers. obs.), we infer that their numbers total far fewer than that of Black-backed Jackals per unit area. In certain parts of the lowveld (for example, Sabie Sands Private Nature Reserve) there has been a decline  whereas, in Manyeleti Game Reserve, their numbers appear stable (G. Camacho unpubl. data). However, it is likely that the population is at least stable and may even be increasing as evidenced by recent range expansions.

South African estimates of abundance are not available, but, from work undertaken in two diverse habitats in Zimbabwe, densities were estimated at around 1 individual / km² in highveld commercial farmland (Rhodes et al. 1998), where rural density is probably highest, and estimates from western Zimbabwe were between 0.5–0.8 individual / km² (Macdonald et al. 2004). In Niokolo-Koba National Park (Senegal), however, Side-striped Jackal density was found to be much lower, with only 0.07 individual / km² (Sillero-Zubiri et al. 1997).

Seeing that the Lowveld of South Africa possesses similar habitat types to the Zimbabwean studies, both being within the Savannah Biome, it may be reasonable to assume similar density estimates. These yield between 8,475 and 16,950 individuals (using the upper and lower density estimates for all occupied grid cells: 678 km2 / grid cell x 25 occupied grids; hence 16,950 km2 x 0.5–1.0 individual / km2). Of course, not all habitats are suitable and so true density is most likely lower. Friedmann and Daly (2004) estimated a density of 1 breeding pair / 25 km2 (i.e. 0.08 individual / km²). Using this density estimate across the entire EOO yields 4,453 breeding pairs and a minimum of 678 breeding pairs for the occupied grid cells. Thus, a more realistic mature population estimate ranges from 1,356 to 8,907 individuals. Additionally, as Side-striped Jackals appear to be expanding westwards into South Africa, we infer that the population is increasing or at least stable.


Like other jackal species, the Side-striped Jackal is sometimes persecuted on private land by landowners in an effort to protect their livestock. However, there is very little evidence for extensive predation on domestic stock (Rowe-Rowe 1992; Loveridge & Macdonald 2003; Sillero-Zubiri et al. 2004), or game larger than antelope calves (Loveridge & Macdonald 2003). It is unlikely that persecution has an effect on the overall population, but persecution and snaring could affect local populations (Hoffman 2014). In towns and suburbs, jackals may be run over by vehicles. They are vulnerable to diseases such as canine distemper, mange and rabies (Bingham et al. 1995; Loveridge 1999), for all of which they are known or suspected reservoirs and vectors for domestic dog infection (Rhodes et al. 2008), and therefore are also locally persecuted for this reason.

Uses and trade

There appears to be little or no trade in Side-striped Jackal products in the assessment region.


Side-striped Jackals occur in several conservation areas, including Kruger National Park and adjoining private conservancies. The species is not listed on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) appendices, and it has no legal protection outside protected areas. Currently, there are no specific conservation actions that target this species.

Recommendations for land managers and practitioners:

  • Currently, there is no management plan for this species and it does not require one at this stage. We, however, encourage managers and landowners to use a holistic approach when controlling damage-causing animals.
Research priorities:
  • Population size and trends (can be promoted by citizen science, especially in areas where densities are low or where very specific research questions are asked).
  • Predatory impact of the Side-striped Jackals on game ranches.
  • At a national scale, number of Side-striped Jackals killed during predator-control operations.
  • Spatial ecology of the species with size of home range in relation to prey density and human activity.
  • Effects of sympatric apex predators on the population size, survival and behaviour of Side-striped Jackals.
  • Evidence for range expansion

The following broad research projects or predation management programmes are currently ongoing/in place:

  • Canis–Caracal Programme (CCP), run by the African Large Predator Research Unit, UFS: aims at finding solutions to reduce the widespread impact of predation on the livestock industry (national). Contact details: Prof. H.O. de Waal, Department of Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences and African Large Predator Research Unit (ALPRU), PO Box 339, Internal Box 70, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa. Email:
  • Predation Management Information Centre (PMIC): collating and analysing reliable information on predation and predation management methods, which will be made available continuously to a management information system (MIS). A team of dedicated staff members handles calls and enquiries. Experts in the team are available to provide advice to farmers. The centre is also responsible for the management of information and resources. Aim: to generate information that can be used to reduce the widespread impact of predation on the livestock industry. A collaborative initiative between the UFS and the PMF. Contact details: Email: Telephone: 051 401 2210 (on week days from 08:00–16:00).
  • Scientific Assessment on the issue of predation on small livestock in South Africa (PredSA): a collaborative initiative between the NMMU and the PMF. Contact details: Prof. Graham Kerley, Centre for African Conservation Ecology (ACE), PO Box 77000, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, 6031, South Africa. Email:
Encouraged citizen actions:
  • Report sightings on virtual museum/social media platforms (for example, iSpot and MammalMAP), especially outside protected areas. Jackal sightings are not common, so the use of camera-traps by citizen scientists is encouraged as more data can accrue this way than through direct observations.
  • For the farmers and hunters controlling the species, it is crucial that they report all the dead animals (trapped, shot or poisoned), as well as their possible livestock losses due to the species, with photographs and GPS coordinates, to the national Predation Management Information Centre (PMIC; email:

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