Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

Anax speratus is a widespread African species with no known major widespread threats, although destruction of spring habitats (brooks, ponds) in some part of its range may affect this species in the future (Martens et al. 2010, W. Schneider pers. obs.), but it is unlikely to be declining fast enough to qualify for listing in a threatened category. It is therefore assessed as Least Concern.


Anax speratus is widespread from South Africa to northeast Africa and reaches the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. In Arabia, Anax speratus is restricted to the Red Sea mountains of southwest Yemen and western Saudi Arabia (from Aden to Djeddah/Makkah).

Population trend


The population size is unknown.


Habitat loss and degradation due to groundwater extraction and water pollution are threats to this species, however, these are not considered to be significantly affecting the global population at present. Destruction of spring habitats (brooks, ponds) in some part of its range may affect this species in the future (Martens et al. 2010, W. Schneider pers. obs.).

Uses and trade

This species is not utilised.


No conservation measures are known to be in place or needed for this species but research on population ecology, habitat status and population trends would be valuable.

Lead agencies, Partners and Funders

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