Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

Zygonyx torridus is assessed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution, and because it is unlikely to be declining fast enough to qualify for listing in a threatened category. However, areas at the margin of its distribution and disjunct subpopulations deserve particular attention and monitoring.


Zygonyx torridus is widespread in Africa and reaches southern Europe, the Middle East, Arabia, Pakistan and India. It is not known from Madagascar, but is resident in La Réunion, Mauritius, Comoros and Socotra (Yemen).

Population trend


This species is widespread but its population size is unknown.


The species is under threat in some parts of its range (e.g. the European subpopulations), but it is not thought to have widespread threats at the global scale.

Uses and trade

This species is not utilised.


Subpopulation trends should be monitored, particularly on the margins of its range and in the Mediterranean area (Spain, Morocco, Levant, Turkey, Arabia), India and Pakistan, where this species is present in disjunct subpopulations. The ecology and behaviour of this species have been imperfectly studied and need further investigation.

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