Widespread in the rivers of the Mozambique floodplain extending slightly into South Africa, Eswationi (Swaziland) and Zimbabwe. Abundant in suitable habitats. Nowhere is this species seriously threatened. At the national level in South Africa this species is assessed as Least Concern, as the species is widespread and common within its distribution in South Africa.
In South Africa this species occurs in the Phongolo and Limpopo river systems. Its global distribution is from the low-veld reaches of the larger east-coast rivers, from the Zambezi south to the Phongolo (Bell-Cross & Minshull 1988, Bills 1999, Skelton 2001, Bills et al. 2004, Bills & Da Costa 2005). Unverified records are known from several upper Zambezi regions e.g., lower Kafue.
Hybridization with related species is a potential threat; hybrids of E. afrohamiltoni and E. paludinosus have been found in the Kruger National Park region.
author = {Skelton, P.H.},
title = {A Complete Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa},
year = {2001}
author = {Yang, L., Sado, T., Hirt, M.V., Pasco-Viel, E., Arunachalam, M., Li, J., Wang, X., Freyhof, J., Saitoh, K., Simons, A.M., Miya, M., He, S. and Mayden, R.L.},
journal = {Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution},
pages = {97--116},
title = {Phylogeny and polyploidy: resolving the classification of cyprinine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes)},
volume = {85.0},
year = {2015}
author = {Bills, I.R., Boycott, R.C., Fakudze, M., Khumalo, N., Msibi, J., Scott, L.E.P., Terry, S. and Tweddle, D.},
title = {Fish and Fisheries of Swaziland (2002-2003). Final report: July 2004},
year = {2004}
author = {Bell-Cross, G. and Minshull, J.L.},
publisher = {National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe},
title = {The fishes of Zimbabwe},
year = {1988}
author = {Skelton, P.H.},
journal = {African Journal of Aquatic Science},
pages = {1--7},
title = {Name changes and additions to the southern African freshwater fish fauna},
year = {2016}
author = {Bills, I.R. and Da Costa, L.},
title = {A survey of the fishes of the Banhine National Park, Gaza Province, Mozambique (25/05-12/06/2005).},
year = {2005}
author = {Bills, I.R.},
title = {An inventory of fishes from the lower Zambezi River, Mozambique (27/7/1999 to 14/8/1999).},
year = {1999}
address = {http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/ichthyology/catelog/fishcatmain.asp},
author = {Eschmeyer, W.N., Fricke, R. and Van der Laan, R. (eds.)},
title = {Catalog of Fishes: genera, species, references. Updated 31 January 2018},
year = {2018}