Red List of South African Species

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Data Deficient (DD)


Newly described species for which too little data exists to assess its status.


This species is currently confirmed from the DuToits Mountains in South Africa from below Deception Peak; two specimens from Koeël Mountain at around 980 m Asl have been assigned to this species and included in the range map, but they may represent a distinct species (Channing et al. 2017). Its altitudinal range is 1,635–1,701 m Asl and its extent of occurrence (EOO) is 1,435 km2.

Population trend


There is very little information on the species' population; its overall trend and size are unknown.


Invasive plant species are prolific in the area where this species occurs and, unless managed, may cause population fluctuations.

Uses and trade

There are no records of this species being utilized.


Conservation Actions
This species occurs in Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve. When inactive, these small toads go largely unnoticed in the environment and assessing presence or absence is expected to be a major impediment to conservation of the species in this genus (Channing et al. 2016).

Research Needed

The distribution of this species is not well understood and seems to be fragmented, but more detailed collecting is required particularly in mountains that separate this species from C. magistratus and C. selenophos.

Lead agencies, Partners and Funders

See the partners page