Red List of South African Species

Alternatively, Explore species
Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

Listed as Least Concern since, although it have a somewhat restricted distribution, it is tolerant of a broad range of habitats and it has a presumed large population.


This species, which is endemic to South Africa, is known mainly from the Eastern Cape Province east to Umtata in the former Transkei, with a few records from the Western Cape Province. It is mainly found quite close to the coast, but it ranges inland to Grahamstown, Kei Road, Stutterheim and Amatola Mountains. It is generally below 1,000 m asl, but ranges up to 1,500 m asl in a few places.

Population trend


It is locally abundant, although populations declined in some areas due to habitat loss.


It is probably being impacted by habitat fragmentation as a result of urban and agricultural development. Significant numbers of animals are also killed on roads.

Uses and trade

There are no reports of this species being utilized.


It occurs in several protected areas.

Lead agencies, Partners and Funders

See the partners page