Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

This species has a moderately sized range (extent of occurrence ca. 11,000 km2)  within South Africa. However, it is common within the region and appears to be tolerant of moderate habitat change. It is therefore considered Least Concern.


This species is found across much of southern Africa, in Zimbabwe, southern Mozambique and South Africa. In South Africa it occurs along  the coastal plains of northern KwaZulu-Natal Province (Bates et al. 2014). In Mozambique, it ranges as far north as Maputo and the adjacent offshore islands. An isolated population occurs in southeastern Zimbabwe (Broadley 1990, Branch 1998, Broadley and Wallach 2009).

Population trend


The population is considered to be stable.


There are no substantial threats to this species.

Uses and trade

There is no known utilization.


None recommended.

Lead agencies, Partners and Funders

See the partners page