Red List of South African Species

Alternatively, Explore species
Least Concern (LC)

Rationale (Changed due to Same category and criteria)

Widespread and common, with no known substantial threats.


Occurs over much of sub-Saharan Africa, from the Nile River southwards to South Africa (Branch 1998, Bayless 2002). Limited mainly to the eastern half of South Africa, but extends west along the Orange River to the West Coast (Bates et al. 2014).  It reaches the southern limit of its distribution at the Seekoei River in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Population trend


The population is considered stable.


Although used in the muthi market, this is unlikely to constitute a significant threat as the species is widely distributed and abundant.

Uses and trade

This species is legally traded with over 1,050 live animals reportedly exported since 2005 (Sinovas et al. 2016). Although further research is required, it is likely that a large number of these animals are utilized in the traditional medicine  market (Williams et al. 2016).


None recommended.

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