Year | Type | Publication |
in prep | Journal | Clausnitzer V., Dijkstra K.–D.B. (in prep). The dragonflies of Eastern Africa. An identification key. missing. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { in prep }, title = { The dragonflies of Eastern Africa. An identification key }, author = { Clausnitzer and Dijkstra }, } |
2016 | Misc | IUCN (2016). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016-3. (bib) x @misc{63356, year = { 2016 }, title = { The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016-3 }, author = { IUCN }, address = { }, } |
2006 | Journal | Kipping J. (2006). The Odonata of Botswana - an annotated checklist. Cimbebasia Memoirs, 5: In press. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 2006 }, volume = { 5 }, title = { The Odonata of Botswana - an annotated checklist }, pages = { In press }, journal = { Cimbebasia Memoirs }, author = { Kipping }, } |
2006 | Misc | IUCN (2006). 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. (bib) x @misc{59795, year = { 2006 }, title = { 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species }, publisher = { IUCN - The World Conservation Union }, author = { IUCN }, address = { }, } |
2005 | Journal | Dijkstra K.-D.B., Clausnitzer V. (2005). An annotated checklist of the dragonflies (Odonata) of eastern Africa, with critical lists for Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda, new records, taxonomic notes and descriptions of new species. missing, in prep.. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 2005 }, volume = { in prep. }, title = { An annotated checklist of the dragonflies (Odonata) of eastern Africa, with critical lists for Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda, new records, taxonomic notes and descriptions of new species }, author = { Dijkstra and Clausnitzer }, } |
2003 | Journal | Martens R., Suhling F. (2003). Annotated checklist of the Odonata of Namibia. Cimbebasia, 18: 139–160. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 2003 }, volume = { 18 }, title = { Annotated checklist of the Odonata of Namibia }, pages = { 139–160 }, journal = { Cimbebasia }, author = { Martens and Suhling }, } |
1991 | Book | Coulter G.W. (1991). Lake Tanganyika and its life, Oxford University Press, 1991. (bib) x @book{59964, year = { 1991 }, title = { Lake Tanganyika and its life }, publisher = { Oxford University Press }, author = { Coulter }, address = { Oxford, UK }, } |
1985 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1985). A survey of the dragonflies (Odonata) of South Africa. Part 2. Anisoptera. Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa, 48: 1–48. (bib) x @article{42845, year = { 1985 }, volume = { 48 }, title = { A survey of the dragonflies (Odonata) of South Africa. Part 2. Anisoptera }, pages = { 1--48 }, journal = { Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1984 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1984). A check-list of the Odonata of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Smithersia, 3: 1–64. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1984 }, volume = { 3 }, title = { A check-list of the Odonata of Zimbabwe and Zambia }, pages = { 1–64 }, journal = { Smithersia }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1984 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1984). A survey to the dragonflies (Odonata) of South Africa. Part 1. Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa, 47: 147–188. (bib) x @article{13257, year = { 1984 }, volume = { 47 }, title = { A survey to the dragonflies (Odonata) of South Africa. Part 1 }, pages = { 147--188 }, journal = { Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1981 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1981). Checklist of the Odonata of Mozambique. Occasional papers of the national Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, Series B, 6: 557–631. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1981 }, volume = { 6 }, title = { Checklist of the Odonata of Mozambique }, pages = { 557--631 }, journal = { Occasional papers of the national Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, Series B }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1976 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1976). Dragonflies (Odonata) of Botswana, with ecological notes. Occasional papers of the national Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, Series B, 5: 524–601. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1976 }, volume = { 5 }, title = { Dragonflies (Odonata) of Botswana, with ecological notes }, pages = { 524--601 }, journal = { Occasional papers of the national Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, Series B }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1975 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1975). A collection of Odonata from Angola. Arnoldia, 23: 1–16. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1975 }, volume = { 23 }, title = { A collection of Odonata from Angola }, pages = { 1--16 }, journal = { Arnoldia }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1967 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1967). Odonata of Ngamiland. Arnoldia, 15: 1–17. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1967 }, volume = { 15 }, title = { Odonata of Ngamiland }, pages = { 1--17 }, journal = { Arnoldia }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1965 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1965). Odonata from Luanda and the Lucala River, Angola. Revista de Biologia, Lisboa, 5: 159–164. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1965 }, volume = { 5 }, title = { Odonata from Luanda and the Lucala River, Angola }, pages = { 159--164 }, journal = { Revista de Biologia, Lisboa }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1964 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1964). Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Angola–Congo borders of Rhodesia. Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa, 63: 97–129. (bib) x @article{59800, year = { 1964 }, volume = { 63 }, title = { Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Angola–Congo borders of Rhodesia }, pages = { 97–129 }, journal = { Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1961 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1961). Some dragonflies (Odonata) from Angola; and descriptions of three new species of the family Gomphidae. Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa, 56: 81–86. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1961 }, volume = { 56 }, title = { Some dragonflies (Odonata) from Angola; and descriptions of three new species of the family Gomphidae }, pages = { 81--86 }, journal = { Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1961 | Journal | Pinhey E. (1961). A collection of Odonata from Dundo, Angola. With the descriptions of two new species of Gomphids. Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa, 56: 71–76. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1961 }, volume = { 56 }, title = { A collection of Odonata from Dundo, Angola. With the descriptions of two new species of Gomphids }, pages = { 71--76 }, journal = { Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa }, author = { Pinhey }, } |
1959 | Journal | Longfield C. (1959). The Odonata of North Angola. Part II. Publicações Culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, 45: 13–42. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1959 }, volume = { 45 }, title = { The Odonata of North Angola. Part II }, pages = { 13–42 }, journal = { Publicações Culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola }, author = { Longfield }, } |
1955 | Journal | Longfield C. (1955). The Odonata of North Angola. Part I. Publicações culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, 27: 11–64. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1955 }, volume = { 27 }, title = { The Odonata of North Angola. Part I }, pages = { 11--64 }, journal = { Publicações culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola }, author = { Longfield }, } |
1947 | Journal | Longfield C. (1947). The Odonata of South Angola. Arquivos do Museu Bocage, Lisboa, 16: 1–31. (bib) x @article{59795, year = { 1947 }, volume = { 16 }, title = { The Odonata of South Angola }, pages = { 1–31 }, journal = { Arquivos do Museu Bocage, Lisboa }, author = { Longfield }, } |
[@electronic{63356, address = {}, author = {IUCN}, title = {The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016-3}, year = {2016} } ,@article{13257, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa}, pages = {147--188}, title = {A survey to the dragonflies (Odonata) of South Africa. Part 1}, volume = {47}, year = {1984} } ,@article{42845, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa}, pages = {1--48}, title = {A survey of the dragonflies (Odonata) of South Africa. Part 2. Anisoptera}, volume = {48}, year = {1985} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Smithersia}, pages = {1–64}, title = {A check-list of the Odonata of Zimbabwe and Zambia}, volume = {3}, year = {1984} } ,@article{59795, author = {Kipping, J.}, journal = {Cimbebasia Memoirs}, pages = {In press}, title = {The Odonata of Botswana - an annotated checklist}, volume = {5}, year = {2006} } ,@article{59795, author = {Clausnitzer, V. and Dijkstra, K.–D.B.}, title = {The dragonflies of Eastern Africa. An identification key}, year = {in prep} } ,@article{59795, author = {Longfield, C.}, journal = {Publicações Culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola}, pages = {13–42}, title = {The Odonata of North Angola. Part II}, volume = {45}, year = {1959} } ,@article{59795, author = {Longfield, C.}, journal = {Arquivos do Museu Bocage, Lisboa}, pages = {1–31}, title = {The Odonata of South Angola}, volume = {16}, year = {1947} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Arnoldia}, pages = {1--16}, title = {A collection of Odonata from Angola}, volume = {23}, year = {1975} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Arnoldia}, pages = {1--17}, title = {Odonata of Ngamiland}, volume = {15}, year = {1967} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Revista de Biologia, Lisboa}, pages = {159--164}, title = {Odonata from Luanda and the Lucala River, Angola}, volume = {5}, year = {1965} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Occasional papers of the national Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, Series B}, pages = {524--601}, title = {Dragonflies (Odonata) of Botswana, with ecological notes}, volume = {5}, year = {1976} } ,@article{59795, author = {Dijkstra, K.-D.B. and Clausnitzer, V.}, title = {An annotated checklist of the dragonflies (Odonata) of eastern Africa, with critical lists for Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda, new records, taxonomic notes and descriptions of new species}, volume = {in prep.}, year = {2005} } ,@article{59795, author = {Martens, A., Jödicke, R. and Suhling, F.}, journal = {Cimbebasia}, pages = {139–160}, title = {Annotated checklist of the Odonata of Namibia}, volume = {18}, year = {2003} } ,@electronic{59795, address = {}, author = {IUCN}, publisher = {IUCN - The World Conservation Union}, title = {2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species}, year = {2006} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Occasional papers of the national Museums and Monuments of Rhodesia, Series B}, pages = {557--631}, title = {Checklist of the Odonata of Mozambique}, volume = {6}, year = {1981} } ,@article{59795, author = {Longfield, C.}, journal = {Publicações culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola}, pages = {11--64}, title = {The Odonata of North Angola. Part I}, volume = {27}, year = {1955} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa}, pages = {71--76}, title = {A collection of Odonata from Dundo, Angola. With the descriptions of two new species of Gomphids}, volume = {56}, year = {1961} } ,@article{59795, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa}, pages = {81--86}, title = {Some dragonflies (Odonata) from Angola; and descriptions of three new species of the family Gomphidae}, volume = {56}, year = {1961} } ,@article{59800, author = {Pinhey, E.}, journal = {Publiçaciones culturais Companhia de Diamantes de Angola Lisboa}, pages = {97–129}, title = {Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Angola–Congo borders of Rhodesia}, volume = {63}, year = {1964} } ,@book{59964, address = {Oxford, UK}, author = {Coulter, G.W.}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Lake Tanganyika and its life}, year = {1991} } ,]