Red List of South African Species

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Least Concern (LC)


Pagellus natalensis is widespread and abundant throughout its range. It was previously recognized as a subspecies of Pagellus bellottii. Population information is limited for this species. Pagellus natalensis is caught as a trawl bycatch and targeted as a bait species in the party-boat fishery off Durban (South Africa) and contributes little to the shore angling fishery. There are no major threats known for the species and it is effectively protected in marine protected areas. It is therefore listed as Least Concern.


Pagellus natalensis is known from Mossel Bay, South Africa to Mozambique as far north as Bazaruto (E. Heemstra South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity pers. comm.) and southern Madagascar (Smith and Smith 1986, Fennessy and Mann 2012). The depth range for this species is less than 10 m, up to 250 m (S. Fennessy, ORI unpublished data; Buxton et al. 1984).

Population trend


Pagellus natalensis is an abundant species throughout its range (Fennessy and Mann 2012). Catch composition of P. natalensis from the shore and ski-boat sectors has remained below one percent between the period 1994–1996 and 2008–2009 (Mann et al. 1997, Dunlop 2011), however, these data are difficult to interpret as this species is not often retained or returned to landing sites (Fennessy and Mann 2012). Inshore small mesh trawling surveys showed P. natalensis to be one of the more abundant species in shallow sandy substrates down to 50 m off the Southern Cape coast. The highest abundances of this species were recorded close to Mossel Bay (Buxton et al. 1984) but trawl surveys off the KwaZulu-Natal coast have also found this species to be abundant (S. Fennessy pers. comm.).


There are no major threats known for P. natalensis. Current exploitation levels are low as market potential is primarily for larger fish (> 25 cm TL); however, this species may become increasingly important in the future as it appears to be abundant over soft substrata and is not reef dependent (Fennessy and Mann 2000).

Uses and trade

Pagellus natalensis is a component of the inshore hake and sole-directed trawl bycatch in the Southern Cape (Smale and Badenhort 1991, Walmsey 2004) and to a lesser extent of the prawn trawl fishery in KwaZulu-Natal (Fennessy et al. 1994). It is a non-targeted bycatch of the skiboat fishery (<1%) and is usually discarded or used for bait. This species is a commonly caught in the party-boat fishery off Durban (Fennessy and Mann 2000). Pagellus natalensis comprises <1% by number of KwaZulu-Natal shore angling catches (Mann et al. 1997, Dunlop 2011).


There are no species specific conservation efforts in place for P. natalensis but it is part of the total daily bag limit of ten fish per person per day for species for recreational and subsistence fishers (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2012). This species is protected in many MPAs throughout its range in southern Africa and in part of southern Mozambique (Fennessy and Mann 2012).

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